Tappan Range - Gas 3038602304 Timer Repair

What is the timer/clock part number for the Tappan 3038602304 Range - Gas?

Timer part number 5303269413 for Tappan 3038602304

The 3038602304 Range - Gas uses timer part number 5303269413.

Do you have a failed Tappan 3038602304 control panel? Click here:

Request Appliance Timer Service

We can repair or replace your faulty Tappan 3038602304 timer.

3038602304 are also sometimes referred to using these Alternative Names/Model numbers

Electrolux 3038602304 Range - Gas, 5995221719

3038602304 Schematic and Wiring Diagrams

Cover page Parts diagram
3038602304 Range - Gas Cover page Parts diagram
Backguard Parts diagram
3038602304 Range - Gas Backguard Parts diagram
Cooktop Parts diagram
3038602304 Range - Gas Cooktop Parts diagram
Drawer Parts diagram
3038602304 Range - Gas Drawer Parts diagram
Door Parts diagram
3038602304 Range - Gas Door Parts diagram
Burner, manifold and gas control Parts diagram
3038602304 Range - Gas Burner, manifold and gas control Parts diagram
Body Parts diagram
3038602304 Range - Gas Body Parts diagram
Burner Parts diagram
3038602304 Range - Gas Burner Parts diagram